Corporate News


Donations to public welfare programs practice the concept of sharing

Donations to public welfare programs practice the concept of sharing

To help education, FOCtek donated books worth 20,000 yuan to a primary school in May 2022. On June 1, 2022, FOCtek was invited to attend the International Children's Day celebration at the primary sch..


Congratulations!FOCtek won the award of "Fuzhou Innovation and Development Excellent Enterprise"

Congratulations!FOCtek won the award of "Fuzhou Innovation and Development Excellent Enterprise"

On the May 18, 2022, Fuzhou Enterprise Federation held the fourth member congress of 2022 Fuzhou Enterprise and Entrepreneur Association, and 59 Fuzhou innovative development outstanding enterprises i..


Congratulations!The commencement ceremony of Phase II industrial project of FOCtek was held smoothly

Congratulations!The commencement ceremony of Phase II industrial project of FOCtek was held smoothly

19th April, 2022, FOCtek Photonics, Inc. Phase II project commencement ceremony was held in Minhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Phase III. The second phase of FOCtekcovers an area of 4..


FOCtek -- Fighting the Epidemic with Love

FOCtek -- Fighting the Epidemic with Love

FOCtek in response to the call of the government, support Minhou Economic Development Zone management committee nucleic acid testing. The company decided to donate 10 computers and 300,000 yuan in cas..


Congratulation!FOCtek Passed ISO45001 certification

Congratulation!FOCtek Passed ISO45001 certification

FOCtek Passed ISO45001!


Leaders of China Self-employed Workers Association came to FOCtek to carry out research activities.

Leaders of China Self-employed Workers Association came to FOCtek to carry out research activities.



Wonderful review of the 22nd CIOE

Wonderful review of the 22nd CIOE

In September of the golden autumn, the harvest season, the 22nd China Optical Expo is on schedule and reloaded; photoelectric companies from all over the world and photoelectric people from all over the world are here as scheduled to share the event. Deep


The "Three Creations" Seminar of Fujian Optical Society preceded our company

The "Three Creations" Seminar of Fujian Optical Society preceded our company

On July 16, 2020, the Three Innovations Excellent Construction Project Seminar held by the Fujian Optical Society was held in Foctek optical company.Many experts attended this meeting. At the meeting..


Minhou county trade union leaders to our division to carry out the heat relief activities!

Minhou county trade union leaders to our division to carry out the heat relief activities!

On August 6, 2014, the leaders of the Minhou County Labor Union went to Foctek Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. to carry out a heatstroke prevention and cooling sympathy activity, and sent many refreshing drinks to cool the frontline employees in the hot summer!


Congratulations to FOCtek's successful listing in Beijing (stock code: 833682)

Congratulations to FOCtek's successful listing in Beijing (stock code: 833682)

On November 6, 2015, FOCtek (stock code: 833682) held a grand listing ceremony in the Beijing National SME Share Transfer System。


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